Monday 2 September 2013

Ribbed beanie

Hmm orang-orang tua kata tak elok beli barang baby di awal kehamilan. Baiklah. Errr tapi kalau kita buat sendiri kira tak elok juga eh?. Sebenarnya saya tak amik pusing sangat benda macam ni sebab saya percaya if the baby is meant to be for us, it will be ours anyway. Kalau tidak tu, makanya tak ada rejeki. 

So semalam saya buat topi untuk bakal anak saya.. Pelik pulak rasa bila taip bakal anak. Hehe. Saya masih dalam kejutan budaya lagi ni. Untuk topi ni, saya follow pattern from Delia Creates, i love to see things that she made for her kids, so cute and beautiful. I am inspired by her creativity. Tak sabar nak buat benda lain pulak. Kawan office saya Nurul suggest buat blanket, pillow and bolster. How about your guys? Does anyone have any ideas about other things I should made for my baby? 

p/s: I think everything that I made, I need to make it two because my elder sister is also carrying her first baby. So next year our family will welcomes two babies in a row. Wohaaa!

Ribbed beanie, pattern from Delia Creates

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